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Betula alleghaniensis. The name "yellow birch" reflects the color of the tree's bark. The wood is extensively used for flooring, cabinetry and toothpicks. Most wood sold as birch in North America is from this tree. Broken twigs have a wintergreen smell. The bark is amber to silvery with a smooth texture and exfoliating in thin rolls.

Yellow Birch


    Due to the nature of the stock and variables in handling and planting, the Conservation District cannot guarantee survival of plant stock or accept returns/offer refunds It is unlawful for trees, shrubs and other plants purchased to be resold with the roots attached (per PA 189 of 1931, as amended). The District is not liable for any direct, indirect, special incidental or consequential damages (included but not limited to economic losses and lost profits) incurred or claimed by the customer.

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